Tidy HTML files in Gitlab CI pipeline

Posted by Markus Benning on August 20, 2017

The tidy tool could be use to check the syntax of HTML files. To use it in your Gitlab CI pipeline add a tidy.config file to your projects root folder:

language: en
doctype: html5
drop-empty-elements: no

And the following job to .gitlab-ci.yml:

 stage: test
 - docker-runner
 image: debian:stretch
 - apt-get update && apt-get install -y tidy
 - find . -iregex ".*\.html?$" -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 -t tidy -config tidy.config -utf8 -errors

Make sure your Pipeline has a test stage and a docker runner is configured with the tag docker-runner.

For available configuration options check the tidy(1) man page.